Consult United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Appeals if your membership has been revoked by U.S. CBP.
The Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) System enables registered users to apply online to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (U.S. CBP) trusted traveller programs like FAST.
Both U.S. CBP and the CBSA will use the application information provided to determine a person's eligibility to participate in FAST.
The non-refundable processing fee for FAST is US$50 and is payable by credit card only.
A separate application is required for each applicant. This will, in turn, prompt the system to generate separate TTP System accounts. After an applicant is conditionally approved, the applicant will receive a notice in his or her TTP System account instructing him or her to schedule an interview.
When you apply using the TTP System, follow these steps:
If your application is rejected, you will be notified by the system.